08.09.2019 Urban Contemporary with Jakob:
Geboren 1990 in Elmshorn. Studium an der Staatlichen Balettschule und Schule für Artistik Berlin und der Scenario Pubblico am International Choreographic Centre Sicily. Als Tänzer arbeitete er u. a. mit Jecko Siompo, Eszter Salamon und Marguerite Donlon. Auftritte beim da:ns - Singapore Dance Festival sowie beim Melbourne International Arts Festival. Zusammenarbeiten mit dem Designer Boris Bidjan Saberi (»Eleven«), dem Multimedia-Artisten und Designer Nathini Van Der Meer (»Paint It Black«, 2014) und der Filmemacherin Marietta Kesting (»Meditations On The Dancefloor«, 2013). Bei der Ars Electronica (Linz, 2010) sowie bei der STROKE.ARTFAIR (Berlin, 2011) war er mit eigenen Arbeiten vertreten. Zudem war er Gastdozent an der IKJ – Jakarta Institute for the Arts in Indonesien, Assistent bei Impuls Tanz in Wien und gibt Workshops in Europa, Jakarta, Melbourne und Dubai. Zur Zeit arbeitet er mit der Choreographin Eszter Salamon und entwickelt unter dem Namen There Will Be Dancing sowie mit dem Kunstkollektiv The Other Society eigene Projekte. /schaubühne.de
with Nelody:
Nelodys urban contemporary fusion, also known as (con)FUSION, is a mix of
elements of urban and contemporary dance. Class starts with a gentle but
energizing warm up activating both body and mind. Exercises based on
improvisation, various grooves, release technique and somatic movement
warm up the body and wake up the mind. Through different isolation exercises
dancers get to challenge their coordination skills and work on their body
awareness. Nelody also uses elements of contemporary floor work mixed with
elements of breakdance. Different techniques adapted from various street
dance styles are being introduced and trained to offer new perspectives for
dancing and expand the movement vocabulary of the participants. Nelody lays
a lot of emphasis on change of energy, musicality and so-called
‘groundedness’; that allow the body to open up and be ready to switch quickly
from one movement quality to another. She uses freestyle-based tasks in her
classes so that the participants to learn and experiment new opportunities -
and also just to “dance it out” and to get closer to freestyling, playing and
elements of urban and contemporary dance. Class starts with a gentle but
energizing warm up activating both body and mind. Exercises based on
improvisation, various grooves, release technique and somatic movement
warm up the body and wake up the mind. Through different isolation exercises
dancers get to challenge their coordination skills and work on their body
awareness. Nelody also uses elements of contemporary floor work mixed with
elements of breakdance. Different techniques adapted from various street
dance styles are being introduced and trained to offer new perspectives for
dancing and expand the movement vocabulary of the participants. Nelody lays
a lot of emphasis on change of energy, musicality and so-called
‘groundedness’; that allow the body to open up and be ready to switch quickly
from one movement quality to another. She uses freestyle-based tasks in her
classes so that the participants to learn and experiment new opportunities -
and also just to “dance it out” and to get closer to freestyling, playing and
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